by Lyle | Aug 19, 2014 | Ad Review The Product: New Late Night Munchie Meal at Jack in the Box How they are Marketing: Slice of life humor moment Target: Twenty somethings Quick Run Through: A Puppet Jack is waiting till the late night meals start with a guy who is staring...
by Lyle | Aug 5, 2014 | Ad Review Today’s ad comes as a suggestion from a new follower on our Youtube page. They suggested we review the “8” campaign from Matress Firm, so here we go . . . The Product: New Mattress How they are Marketing: Informational...
by Lyle | Jul 28, 2014 | Ad Review The Product: AT&T Wireless Network How they are Marketing: Situational Humor Target: Business offices Quick Run Through: Some ‘geeks’ are in the ceiling installing a new network when a lady comes into the...
by Lyle | Jul 21, 2014 | Ad Review
[youtube] The Product: Old Spice How they are Marketing: Absurd situation Target: Men Quick Run Through: A robot tries to kick a soccer ball and ends up falling on a woman. He smells good because he is using Old Spice and...
by Lyle | Jul 14, 2014 | Ad Review
Some people have asked why we do ad reviews. The answer is simple: You can learn about marketing and find new ideas for your business by analyzing what is working. With that said, enjoy Captian Obvious. [youtube] The Product:
by Lyle | Jul 7, 2014 | Ad Review The Product: Coca-cola . . . soda How they are Marketing: Personalizing their labels. Target: Teens and twenties. Quick Run Through: Coke uses emotion to capture the idea of selling a soda. If you get right down to it, they never say,...