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Unexpected Turn: Marketing Strategy Ad Review

The Product: IKEA Stores (Catalog?) How they are Marketing: Twisting a familiar concept Target: Techies, Upper Middle Class, Yuppies Quick Run Through: A worker reveals their new catalog as if it was a new digital tablet. Psychology Behind the Ad: Creating an ad that...

Marketing Strategy: Slice of Life

The Product: Dodge Dart How they are Marketing: Slice of Life Target: Homeowners Quick Run Through: The owner of a new car will not let his neighbor touch his new car. Ninja Trick: Slice of life gives a picture of something most everyone can relate to. In this ad,...

Marketing Strategy: Trends

The Product: Samsung Galaxy S5 How they are Marketing: A cell phone takes the ice bucket challenge Target: Cell phone users Quick Run Through: A cell phone gets ice water dumped on it in support of ALS.* Ninja Trick: The cell phone uses a charitable cause to...
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