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6 Amazingly Simple Tips to Great Business Web Pages

A GREAT Business Web Page 1. Clearly communicates values and benefits to the potential customer. Many business web pages are simply talking about what they do and who they are.  A GREAT business web must talk in terms for the customer. What benefits and value do you...

Web Pages – Business Think Tank Series

What makes a good webpage? The webpage is the backbone to your digital presence.  Studies have shown that as much as 96% of people will look at a website or review a business online before making a decision to visit a physical business location. Business owners need a...

6 Ways to do Powerful Business Videos

In our last video we discussed the types of videos that business owners can create for their business. In this article, we discuss the WAYS those videos can be done…and some of them don’t involve video cameras! Live Action The most simple and easiest is a live action...

Types of Business Web Pages

In our many years working with businesses, we have discovered that there are seven main types of business web pages that any business can use to their advantage: brochure, lead generation, blog, social media, membership, sales and e-commerce.  At Digital Success...

How does a web page actually work?

You are on a web page reading this, so you probably know what a web page is, but how exactly does it work?  There are three main components: a browser, a web page and a server. Browser A browser is what you are viewing this page on while using your computer.   A...
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