Ask About Our Start Up Branding Package: Business Coaching, Branding, Webpage and Social Media Set Up!

I was talking to an entrepreneur about starting a blog yesterday.  I asked him about his hosting and a blank look came over his face. “What the heck is that?”

My answer was simple: “Hosting is where your webpage is stored.”

That did not help, so I explained a bit more:

Let’s say you want to put a webpage on the internet.  You have to have it on a computer where everyone can see it no matter where they are in the world, right?

Internet Hosting - Internet MarketingA company sets up a bunch of computers that stay connected to the internet.  These computers have a specific set of rules that allow them to connect to the internet.  This allows all of us to access a specific part of the computer where your specific web page is located.

The hosting company rents out portions of their computers, called servers, where they host other people’s web pages.  If you have a web page, you have a hosting company.

We use BlueHost for our hosting.  We like the way it loads quickly and has a clean professional feel to it.  We have found good results from a company called FatCow.  (Yes, that is the name of a company.)  They are a bit cheaper and use green energy to power their computers.

If you would like help setting up a webpage, or getting your own hosting started, give us a call.  We can help you choose just the right domain for your business and strategically set up your webpage so that your business can grow.

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