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The Product: Dodge Dart

How they are Marketing: Slice of Life

Target: Homeowners

Quick Run Through: The owner of a new car will not let his neighbor touch his new car.

Ninja Trick: Slice of life gives a picture of something most everyone can relate to. In this ad, they are revealing pride as part of being a dodge owner.

Subtle Message: You can be proud to own a Dodge Dart.

marketing strategyMarketing Idea(s):

  • Slice of Life: If you really know your target audience, you can show them a slice of life they can relate to.  By ‘entering’ their world, they feel more comfortable entering ‘your world’ which would be your business.
  • Underdog Thinking: Smaller cars are often used to make jokes.  When you turn this car into something of pride you twist the concept of what people think about the product.  They could have talked about fuel efficiency or even being greener for the earth, but they took an underdog and revealed it as a winner.
  • Humor: We have seen a lot of humor in marketing.  We remember things that give us a catharsis of emotion.  This is not a laugh out loud commercial, it is more of a chuckle because you may have wanted to do the same thing to a neighbor.

If you need help implementing these ideas in your business don’t hesitate to contact us. We are here to help you and your business succeed.

Also, if you have a national or global ad you would like us to review, let us know by using our contact page.

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