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I ran across this ad recently from Dove.  Watch it and see how it makes you feel. . .


If you are a woman, you are probably thinking about which door you would choose.  You have to decide what beautiful means to you.

I was amazed at how many people walked through the “Avereage” door.

Guys, think about how you communicate to the women in your life.  Do you communicate their beauty to them?

Now, let’s get back to marketing.  Dove puts some great videos out.  They don’t focus on selling their products.  As a matter of fact, there was not one product mentioned in this ad.

Did you catch that?

They posted their branding with a simple hashtag and a logo, but did not promote any product.

What we can learn from this kind of marketing

1. Emotions: People make choices based on how they feel.  Did you see that one woman look at the signs and just walk away?  You don’t want to lose customers because of how you make them feel.  If you can help them feel better about themselves and better about the decision they make to use your product, you will win a customer for life.

2. Interactivity: At the end of the video you can choose Average or Beautiful.  It is set up with annotations at the end of the video.  Almost any business can create a video and post interactive annotations if they learn how.

At the end of the video, I clicked on each just to see what was on the other side.  At the time of this writing there were 397,046 women who thought they were beautiful.  If you chose average, you were encouraged to join them.  They even shared an affirmation:

Beauty is a choice available to all of us every day. However, it’s a simple truth that women all over the world don’t feel able to see themselves as beautiful.

Mindfulness is a way of helping us all think more positively about ourselves by learning to appreciate our own unique beauty.

We’ve teamed up with psychologist Dr Nancy Etcoff and self esteem expert Dr Tara Cousineau to create a ‘Mindful Me’ toolkit that’s designed to help you manage your thoughts and feelings, so you have the confidence to Choose Beautiful.

After the affirmation on their page, is a button that says, “Choose Beautiful.”

Dove is literally telling women that they don’t have to think of themselves as average.  What do you think happens when a woman feels empowered to see herself as beautiful?  What image do you think she has when she sees a Dove product in the store?

Local Marketing Example

I love to pick up ideas from local businesses.  I went to a local taco joint and found a hair salon next door.  They are called Dhari Boutique.  Look at their front door.
door marketing example

“Hello beautiful” is simple stated on their door with simple lettering.

It is simple and every woman who walks in their door has a new idea of who they are.  Whoever decided to put these simple words on this door is brilliant.  Good job!!

How can we market to make a bigger impact?

Think about your product.  How does it make people ‘feel?’  Is there something that your customer should experience after using your product?

Marketing is not about your product, your service or your business.  Marketing is about your customer.  If you can engage them in a deeper level and bring them into how they can feel when they use your product you will have a customer for life.

You can post something on your door like Dhair.  You can post something on your webpage, business card, letter head, signage, wherever . . . the key is to post something that engages your customer on a deeper level.

We live in a tough world and if you can take one moment to encourage your customers and truly connect with them on a deep level, then, you understand marketing.

You already know you are beautiful, now let me tell you that you are smart.

You are smart enough to find this page and read this article.  You are smart enough to know that marketing is important and you are smart enough to know that your business can grow when you grow.

Now you are smart enough to take this information and do something to help your customers and help your business grow. Put it into practice today and if you need some guidance, let us help you make your marketing even smarter.

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