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Go Further in Business

Getting Further In Business I was driving to get my windshield replaced.  It drove me crazy to have a rock chip that had split and gone all the way across my windshield.  On the way, I saw a truck for a windshield replacement company.  They had a cracked windshield!...

Improving Your Business – Business Think Tank

Improving Your Businesss Business owners want to improve their business. Everyone likes making more money. The key is knowing exactly what to improve to make the impact on your business. In business you want to build something that makes a difference.  If you want to...

Business Systems Walk Thru

Business Systems Set Up This is the third part in our series on Business Systems.  IF you missed the first two blog post (both with videos also) here are links for you to check them out: Business Systems Part 1 Business Systems Part 2 In the video above, Steve walks...

Business Systems (part 2) -Policy and Procedures

  Business Systems – Policy and Procedure We talked about the basic systems in our last post.  Hopefully, you have a good grasp of your business systems.  If you did not see part one of this series go here. I ran an Italian restaurant. One of the employees...

Business Systems Overview

  What are business systems? You have probably been stuck on a busy road because someone had a wreck and they had to block off a couple of lanes of traffic.  This is called bottle-necking.  All four lanes of traffic have to squeeze together to try to get through...

Why are you an entrepreneur?

Business owners start out their business with drive and passion.  Somewhere along the way, the day to day running of that business can wear away that initial excitement.  In the video above, our group shares some of their reasons about why they do what they do....
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