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The Product: Pantene Hair Care Products

hair cast ad strategy DSA

Go here to visit the haircast:

How they are Marketing: “Haircast” on the Weather Channel.

Target: Ladies 20-30 who want their hair to look nice.

Quick Run Through: Women can put in their zip code to see how weather may affect their hair that week.

Ninja Trick: This ad is only on the weather channel.  They targeted women by making the ad appeal to women and still ‘feel’ like the weather channel.

Subtle Message: “Stay beautiful.” If your hair is going to look bad, we have products to help you look good.

What can we learn from this ad:

  • Speak the language of your audience. I worked for a church to create a television commercial.  They wanted to create one commercial and have it on different channels.  They had different target markets, so we decided to do completely different ads for each channel. We created a slightly different ad for MTV than the one we put on HGTV.  Too many companies think that one ad will work everywhere.  The key to targeting is to pinpoint your ads to specific marketing channels.
  • Put your ad in unexpected places. My wife was with me when we saw this ad.  We were both impressed with the placement and the unexpected surprise of finding this ad.  If you can show up where people don’t expect you to show up, your ads will be even more effective.  Think creatively about how you can cross promote what you offer and put it somewhere unexpected.
  • Find a pain point and market to it. The slogan for the haircast page reads, “Get beautiful hair whatever the weather.”  They know that their target audience has trouble with their hair in different types of weather.  They capitalized on this pain point to sell their product.
  • Have a single call to action. Pantene offers the free haircast, but they also have a clearly laid out coupon at the top and bottom of their page.  Below this section is how to videos that apply to common hair mishaps. All of these point to the fact that their product can solve your hair problems.

If you need help implementing these ideas in your business don’t hesitate to contact us. We are here to help you and your business succeed.

Also, if you have a national or global ad you would like us to review, let us know by using our contact page.

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