Ask About Our Start Up Branding Package: Business Coaching, Branding, Webpage and Social Media Set Up!

What makes a good webpage?

The webpage is the backbone to your digital presence.  Studies have shown that as much as 96% of people will look at a website or review a business online before making a decision to visit a physical business location. Business owners need a good webpage because it is the ambassador that a potential customer sees before engaging in business.  Or to put it in other words, a good webpage can be your twenty four hour a day, seven days a week sales person.

With that being said, what makes a good webpage?  In the video we discuss lots of ideas, so you will want to listen in on our conversation.  Also, check out our other thoughts on good webpages in this playlist: click here.  There are three simple one minute videos that give any business owner a good primer on understanding what goes into a good webpage.

Make sure to read our next post where we talk about 6 Amazingly Simple Tips to GREAT business web pages.

For now here is a preview to think about the GREAT web pages you will be designing:

  • Good visuals
  • Relevant content
  • Engaging videos
  • Attention grabbing
  • Targeted focus

We will talk much more about this in our next article, so make sure you check back soon.

PS: We will be doing a series on business web pages.  What are some questions you have about business webpages?

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